Arpeggios Explained (Real Song Examples)
Discover how arpeggios can elevate your music. Learn practical tips for guitar and piano, and explore their use in iconic songs.
Discover how arpeggios can elevate your music. Learn practical tips for guitar and piano, and explore their use in iconic songs.
Suspended chords replace the third note with a second or fourth, creating tension and a neutral sound. Learn how to play and use them in your songs!
Want to master power chords? Learn their structure, history, and how they give rock and metal their iconic sound in this guide.
Explore the evolution of counterpoint in music theory in this comprehensive guide. Discover techniques from classical to contemporary music.
Have you ever asked a musician what minor chords sound like? It’s kind of a trick question because music isn’t one-dimensional or made up of single isolated chords. People often say minor chords sound “sad” or “introspective,” but when you study popular music, you find that a chord’s mood is defined by its place in…
Want to write songs that get stuck in listeners’ heads? Our guide to song hooks offers practical songwriting advice and real-song examples.
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